Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sonny Goes To The Vet

Our cute lion kitty, Sonny, is at the vet right now having his teeth cleaned. The vet's office just called to let me know that they have to extract one of his teeth because there's a hole in it! Poor Sonny!
I can't imagine having children, as worried as we get about our kitties. I know he'll be ready to get back home to get some TLC from Mrs. Baby.


Caroline @ The Feminist Housewife said...

Poor Sonny! Hope the extraction goes well and he is feeling back to his normal self soon!

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine having children either, as worried as I get about inanimate objects. your cats are ADORABLE!

kittybutt said...

thanks, guys! sonny is pretty much back to his cute normal self today.