Thursday, April 8, 2010


I love our kitties, but after visiting this cute little farm on the campus of Shasta College in Redding, CA, I'd love to add a goat into our mix! There were so many little babies and the mama, in the picture above, looked like she was smiling so proudly. Her baby was still under a heating lamp, so tiny and cute!

The babies look a lot like cocker spaniels.


Christina said...

oooh, if you get a goat, can i goat sit for you???

Kate said...

I love farm animals too and I agree some of the goats can be cute too especially the little ones, so cute.

Katie said...

Bwah! I want some goats too! have you ever heard of Nigerian Pygmy goats? They are sickeningly adorable and I believe only get 1-2 feet tall. WANT.

Beth Cyr said...

oh yes, goats are incredibly cute. Esp when they are small! Katie - i thought the same thing - i could get pygmy goats and they would be tiny all the time!! I just saw some at a friend's house a couple weekends ago. One had to be bottle fed b/c its mom picked its brother over her "Sugar". B/c of the bottle feeding she was so tame and thought she was a dog or something. They have a low fence that she just jumps right over and walks around and will jump back in. None of her other goat family will get out though, it was really funny. I wanted to bring her home w/ me.

kittybutt said...

Wow! I will definitely have to check out the Pygmy goats! They sound amazing!